Foreigner remanded over cocaine smuggling charges

Foreigner remanded over cocaine smuggling charges

KUALA LUMPUR – The Malaysian government is holding seven foreigners and seven Malaysians over allegations바카라사이트 they illegally imported 2.6 kg (5.4 lb) of cocaine.

Two of the suspects, identified by police on Friday, will be remanded in custody until December 16, after the charges against them are proven.

The other two Malaysians, however, will remain in custody.

Malaysia’s chief narcotics officer Abdul Basit said earlier that t더킹카지노he drugs were sent from Trinidad, Bolivia and Guatemala.

The drug seizures by police come as Malaysia seeks to shed light on Malaysia’s ties to illegal drugs.

Earlier this month, Malaysia said it had intercepted $100 million worth of cocaine at a warehouse in Surabaya, the former capital of Sulu province in eastern Indonesia.

It is illegal for citizens to possess coca in더킹카지노 Malaysia.